Don’t let the back to school blues get you down. Here’s five ways to make the most of your semester.

1. Join an organization 1

Studies have shown that college students who are involved in extracurricular activities perform better in school. Currently, there are more than 70 clubs and organizations at Collin College including the award-winning honor society, Phi Theta Kappa. Check out all the clubs and organizations here, and see what looks interesting to you.

2. Get an internship or jobcareer

Whether you want some spending cash on the side or are looking to start your career, internships and jobs are a great way to dip your feet into the working world. With Cougar Student Jobs, you can search an entire database of job and internship openings to find your new start.

3. Sleep it off

Did you know that 60 percent of college students don’t get enough sleep? Lack of proper sleep can result in decreased energy levels, poor memory, lack of ability to focus and more. Experts recommend forgetting the all-nighters and getting at least eight hours of sleep.

4. Find your grooveresume

If you want to improve your test taking skills, learn how to cope with emotions or how to stay organized, Collin College has you covered. Visit  Counseling & Career Services for free seminars, assessments and more to help you with everyday skills.

5. Shape up

In addition to exercising your brain, don’t forget about exercising your body. Play racquetball, lift weights and more for free at any Fitness Center or find a class to get you in shape.