By Elaine Stewart, coordinator of job development

Last month, Elaine Stewart, coordinator of job development, offered resume writing guidelines in part I of a two-part series focusing on tips and pitfalls when composing a resume. This month, Cougar News continues part II of Stewart’s series. Visit here for a part I refresher.

Check your resume for the following points:

Contact Information: First and last name, address, personal phone number and email address. Make sure this data is on each page of your resume. One page is the most accepted length of a resume. Two is the maximum.

Objective: Use the title of the advertised position. Does it focus on what you can bring to the employer rather than what you want from the employer?

  • An example of an incorrect objective statement: To secure a position with a company that affords me the opportunity for advancement.
  • A correct objective statement: Skilled office professional with exceptional interpersonal and communication skills. Highly organized and detail-oriented. Efficiently manages time and projects with close attention to deadlines.

Education: Education should be under the objective if you have little or no work experience. If you are established in your field, education should be placed at the end. Your practical work experience outweighs your degree. Your highest level of education should be shown first. Include professional courses, certificates, licenses and affiliations that will enhance the objective.

Accomplishments/Results Statements: Use the SOAR method in developing your accomplishments/results statements.

Statement of Action – What did you do? (Use action verbs: designed, sold, planned, researched, tested)

Occurrence of Action – Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly

Amount of Action – 19, 50, more than 100.

Results of Action – Increased, decreased, saved, taught, implemented

  • Examples:

o   Maintained a 50 percent profit margin in automotive used car sales over a three-year period.

o   Trained 30 wait-staff personnel for Chili’s restaurant in the ethical and prompt aspects of negotiating and listening to customers.

Military: If you have a good military record, always include it.

References: It is inappropriate to list names of references on your resume. The law forbids employers checking references without your written consent (1970 Fair Credit and Reporting Act). References are listed when you fill out an application and the employer must have your written consent.

For more information on resume writing contact Counseling and Career Services:

Central Park Campus: 972.548.6747

Preston Ridge Campus: 972.377.1781

Spring Creek Campus: 972.881.5781